Expert Order Machine Shop for Industrial Needs




We offer prefabricated pipes, pipe manufacturing, assembly and ready-to- install piping.

Our customers include the energy industry, process industry, metal industry and shipbuilding industry, among others. When you order piping from us, you  can be sure that they meet strict regulatory requirements and are safe to use.

We manufacture piping and perform assembly work as both individual projects and long-term partnerships. Long-term collaboration with our customers allows  us to understand their specific needs and preferences. This enables our  production to immediately meet the customer’s requirements in the desired

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Maviteknik is a flexible partner that is easy to work with.

Maviteknik Oy was founded in 1997 as an expert order machine shop, specializing in subcontracting work in metal technology, including energy, process, metal, and shipbuilding industries.

Our ISO 9001 certification in 2007 enabled us to secure larger partnerships. In  the early 2000s, we initiated a partnership with a leading power plant supplier,  which has continued for over 20 years.

We are a flexible partner that is easy to  work with and quickly adapts to any changes. We always work according to our  certified operating system, ensuring continuous improvement of our quality,
environmental, and occupational health and safety systems.

We support our customer's business with timely deliveries

We deliver custom-made and ready-to-install products to the customer’s specified address, such as the customer’s office or project site.

We are a flexible partner that is easy to work with and quickly adapts to any changes. We always work according to our certified operating system, ensuring  continuous improvement of our quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety systems.

Please contact us, and together, we will find the best  possible solutions for your needs.


Operational Manager